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  • Name - This is the name of the object. You need to give an object a name when you want to use it later with different commands like Set, If Collision, etc… The Name must be unique with no spaces or special characters and could not start with numbers.
  • Width - The width of the object
  • Height - The height of the object
  • X - The X location of the object
  • Y - The Y location of the object
  • Z - The Z location of the object
  • X Axis - The X axis of the object
  • Y Axis - The Y axis of the object
  • Z Axis - The Z axis of the object
  • Texture - The Texture of the object
  • Texture Alpha - The object's texture alpha. 0 for fully transparent and 1 for opaque
  • Scale X - The X scale of the object. 1 for normal scale
  • Scale Y - The Y scale of the object. 1 for normal scale
  • Scale Z - The Z scale of the object. 1 for normal scale
  • Scale U - The object's texture U scale. 1 for normal scale
  • Scale V - The object's texture V scale. 1 for normal scale
  • Offset U - The object's texture U offset
  • Offset V - The object's texture V offset
  • Segments Width - The object's geometry width segments number
  • Segments Height - The object's geometry height segments number
  • Visible - The object's visibility. 1 for visible. 0 for hidden
  • Rotation X -
  • Rotation Y -
  • Rotation Z -
  • Local Rotation X -
  • Local Rotation Y -
  • Local Rotation Z -
  • Axis Collision -
  • Polygon Collision -
  • Collision -
  • Static -
  • Mass -
  • Friction -
  • Restitution -
  • Translate X -
  • Translate Y -
  • Translate Z -
  • Gravity X -
  • Gravity Y -
  • Gravity Z -
  • Linear Velocity X -
  • Linear Velocity Y -
  • Linear Velocity Z -
  • Angular Velocity X -
  • Angular Velocity Y -
  • Angular Velocity Z -
  • Effected By Lights (Texture) -
  • Shadow Type (Texture) -
  • Casts Shadows -