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Cyberix3D Wiki

Welcome to the Cyberix3D Wiki.
This Wiki is the community effort to gather information and provide a knowledge base to get you started and keep you going with the Cyberix3D game maker. The purpose of the Wiki is to provide a resource for documentation, tutorials, and examples.

Learning Cyberix3D

Cyberix3D Community

About Cyberix3D

  • Showcase - show off the most featured games that has been developed with Cyberix3D
  • Press release - articles from various sites and blogs about Cyberix3D

External tools

  • External tools - tools that are used outside of Cyberix3D that can help you in your game development.


  • Cyberix3D Team
  • Interactive Games
  • Symbiotic Interactives
start.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/12 21:51 by quaketjw