Sub Model Number - The separate meshes within the Model.
Auto Center - The Model center
Secondary UV File - The separate mesh that contains the other UV file
Width - The width of the object
Height - The height of the object
Depth - The depth of the object
X - The X location of the object
Y - The Y location of the object
Z - The Z location of the object
X Axis - The X axis of the object
Y Axis - The Y axis of the object
Z Axis - The Z axis of the object
Texture - The Texture of the object
Texture Alpha - The object's texture alpha. 0 for fully transparent and 1 for opaque
Scale X - The X scale of the object. 1 for normal scale
Scale Y - The Y scale of the object. 1 for normal scale
Scale Z - The Z scale of the object. 1 for normal scale
Scale U - The object's texture U scale. 1 for normal scale
Scale V - The object's texture V scale. 1 for normal scale
Offset U - The object's texture U offset
Offset V - The object's texture V offset
Segments Width - The object's geometry width segments number
Segments Height - The object's geometry height segments number
Visible - The object's visibility. 1 for visible. 0 for hidden
Rotation X -
Rotation Y -
Rotation Z -
Local Rotation X -
Local Rotation Y -
Local Rotation Z -
Axis Collision -
Polygon Collision -
Collision -
Static -
Mass -
Friction -
Restitution -
Translate X -
Translate Y -
Translate Z -
Gravity X -
Gravity Y -
Gravity Z -
Linear Velocity X -
Linear Velocity Y -
Linear Velocity Z -
Angular Velocity X -
Angular Velocity Y -
Angular Velocity Z -
Play Animation - The Model's animation
Jump - The Model ability to jump
Walk - The Model ability to walk
Shadow Type (Texture) -
Both Sides (Texture) -
Auto Both Sides (Texture) -
Casts Shadows -