====== Setup ======
A setup is a block of code that allows you to activate or deactivate or modify functions of the game.
* **Frame rate:**allows to modify the speed of the game
* **Enable shandows on mobile:**Enters the shadows of the game on Android depending if the option is active
* **Enable lights on mobile:**set the lights of the game on android depending on whether the option is active
* **physics auto speed:**automatically increases the speed of physics
* **Force full screen:**force the resolution of the game the full screen, you can modify more options of these as mouse lock in full screen, with the controlling camera
* **background color:**when there is no skybox, with this parameter you can change the blue background that comes by default to another one that you want with the color palette
* **Hide bar (SWF Export only):**allows you to export the format of your game(SWF)online
* **mute sound:**it allows you to mute the [[editor:blocks:sound:|sound]] of your game in real time, you can buy a variable so that when you compare it silences the sound, and another one that when you [[editor:blocks:condition:if|compare]] the [[editor:blocks:variables:var|variable]] to another value, reproduce the sound of the game
{{ :editor:blocks:info-148099_960_720.png?20|}}//MORE INFORMATION//
* [[editor:blocks:variables:array|]]
* [[editor:blocks:variables:increment|]]
* [[editor:blocks:variables:set-array|]]
* [[editor:blocks:variables:set-random|]]
* [[editor:blocks:variables:set|]]
* [[editor:blocks:variables:var|]]